11 July 2023

Mostly Crime Fiction = the new AnotherFamdamily


The Famdamily blog began as a kind of diary, comments on life and family with cynicism humour. It degenerated into keeping track of my reading (in case I buy/borrow a book I've already read or now own, and don't tell me you haven't done the same thing). Being lazy, I did nothing about it although the blog title has not been representative for a long time.

What I had originally said was "nostalgia ... nonsense ... neighbourhood ... " yadda, which soon wasn't. Detectives and mysteries and espionage won out.

Alors, voilà. Changing the name to Mostly Crime Fiction was easier than I expected. Of course the address had to change too. Now what is going to happen? Does the old Famdamily still exist? Oh look: it's appended below. 

Since I scarcely know what I'm doing, it's a good thing no one trusts me with red telephones or anything lethal. 

Stay tuned, although I know I'm talking to myself. This post itself is a work in progress.

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