23 June 2024

FEC The Book

 In a previous life, this blog was called AnotherFamdamily for reasons now lost in obscurity. Among other things, it generated some posts about the Fading Entertainers Centre. Way back when. The inspiration—if one can justifiably call it that—simply wouldn't stop, and since it had nothing to do with family or damily, I hied it offline.

In believing one should finish things that one started, the many chapters (as they became known) assembled themselves into book format. It ain't perfectly satisfying. The man in charge of the print shop didn't print the title on the spine as he said he would. Both he and I forgot to change the date from 2014 to 2024. Then there's that stray cartoon on page 99 but you don't need to know the why of it.

Beyond that, it's rough. I've likely embarrassed myself not knowing what genre I'm in---someone had suggested a playscript. All those em-dashes and even en-dashes. But these characters were pushing to get out. 

Regardless, FEC The Book lives its own separate life, having nothing to do with crime or mystery like this blog, unless you count the cover figures that may or may not convey the mirth within.

If I should receive some nice any comments, verbal or otherwise, will post here.


"I have been chuckling and laughing from the first page"

- Shirley the Librarian 

"Because of the cover, my boyfriend thought it was a horror story"

- a dear friend

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